International Trade and Finance (EN) - Department Information   
Language English
Program Time (Year) 4
Max.Program Time (Year) 7
Program Quota
Internships Status Absent
ÖSYM type EA
About Programme

The Department of International Trade and Finance educates graduates who are distinguished by the education they receive in our world where local and global competition is intense and who have the knowledge and skills required for business and management in the international arena.

Compulsory internship for 30 working days is required for graduation. Students who receive the support of our Career Center for the internship place direct them to the international companies we cooperate with.

The education language of the 4-year department is English. Students who are successful in the Department, if they pass the Placement and Proficiency Exam, can skip the English Preparatory Class and start their first year education.

PROG. Director
Asist Prof.Dr. Bekir Aşık
Istanbul Beykent University was established by Adem Çelik-Beykent Education Foundation on 09.07.1997 with the 4282 no law as a foundation university as a public legal entity. The Department of International Trade was established in 2000 with a program with English teaching language. In 2010-2011 academic year, a mixed program with English and Turkish as the medium of instruction was established. In 2016-2017 academic year, a program with Turkish teaching language was established. Upon a decision by YÖK on 03.02.2020, the name of the department and programs and content were changed to International Trade and Finance. The program is accredited by the Social, Humanities and Basic Sciences Accreditation and Rating Association (STAR) for 3 years as of 27.03.2023.
Qualification Awarded
Bachelor's Degree in International Trade and Finance
Admission Requirements
Student admission and placement is based on the results of the Higher Education Institutions Examination organized by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) and the principles determined by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). The conditions for transfer from other universities, transfer from vocational schools, student exchange programs and “özel öğrencilik” are specified in the legislation.
Higher Grade Transition
Graduates can apply for master's and doctoral degrees in other disciplines that accept students from this field, in which they meet the relevant requirements.
Graduation Requirements
The students who complete all the courses (240 ECTS) and other requirements in the registered program with success within the regulations of the related code; whose GPA is equal to or above 2.00; who complete the minimum number of required credit of the registered program have a right to get a diploma.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
They can work in international trade, international finance, international transportation departments of enterprises and organizations related to international trade and finance; relevant departments of enterprises and companies related to customs clearance; departments of banks and finance companies related to treasury and investment, foreign trade, foreign receivable insurance, foreign exchange and syndicated loans; investment and analysis departments of financial institutions and brokerage firms; public institutions serving in the field of international trade and finance; and can also establish their own business in the field of international trade.
Assessment and Grading
General rules regarding examination regulations and measurement and evaluation are regulated by "İstanbul Beykent Üniversitesi Önlisans ve Lisans Eğitim - Öğretim Yönetmeliği". Special processes related to exams, education and training, measurement and evaluation are determined by the "İstanbul Beykent Üniversitesi Ölçme Faaliyetleri ve Sınav Uygulama Yönergesi". Relative assessment principles and procedures are defined by the "İstanbul Beykent Üniversitesi Bağıl Değerlendirme Sistemi Uygulama Yönergesi". The teaching and assessment-evaluation methods used in the courses are given in the course syllabi on the course pages.