Language Turkish
Program Time (Year) 4
Max.Program Time (Year) 7
Program Quota
Internships Status Have
About Programme

Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri günümüz iş dünyasının gerek duyduğu bilgisayar sistemleri yolu ile elde edilen bilgileri işletme ve yönetim alanlarındaki işlevlere ve sorunların çözümüne uygulayabilecek insan gücü yetiştirmek ve yönetim alanında verilen dersler ile de insan ve organizasyon yönetimi konusunda uzman kişiler yetiştirilmeyi amaçlanmaktadır. Ayrıca Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Bölümü programını tamamlayan öğrencilere, işletmelerin ve bireylerin 21. yüzyıla adını veren bilgiyi üretme, depolama, paylaşma ve bilgiye erişme ihtiyacını karşılamak için kullanılan yöntem, süreç ve sistemlerin planlanması, tasarlanması, kurulması ve yönetilmesi süreçlerini anlayabilme becerisi kazandırmaktadır.

PROG. Director
Asist Prof.Dr. Elyase İSKENDER
Beykent University is a foundation university with public legal personality, established by Adem Çelik-Beykent Education Foundation in 1997 with the law numbered 4282 dated 09.07.1997. Beykent University, which started education in the 1997-1998 academic year, continues to grow day by day with years of experience in education and continues to offer world-class education quality to its students.
Qualification Awarded
Bu programı başarıyla tamamlayan öğrenciler, Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri alanında Lisans derecesi almaya hak kazanmaktadırlar.
Admission Requirements
YKS result document, high school diploma. To accept students from abroad, candidates will apply directly to the relevant Higher Education Institutions. Applicants must be in the final year or have graduated from a school equivalent to a Turkish high school. Candidates must submit official exam result documents for high school graduation exams (Abitur, International Baccalaureate, GCE, Tawjihi, etc.) approved by the Council of Higher Education, if any, or university entrance exam status exams (SAT, etc.) taken in the last two years.
Higher Grade Transition
Those who successfully complete their undergraduate education can apply to master's and integrated doctoral programs with sufficient ALES scores.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate from this program;

• To pass 240 ECTS credits of courses offered with a course plan and structure, and
• Have a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00

Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Management Information Systems graduates can find employment wherever industry and industrial activities exist.

Management Information Systems Specialist, Programmer, Database Specialist & Analyst, System Analyst & Designer, SEO Specialist, Network Specialist / Manager, IT Specialist / Manager,
Finance Specialist and Manager, Information Systems Manager, Marketing Specialist and Manager, Business Analyst, Human Resources Specialist / Manager, Business Development Specialist / Manager,
They can participate in employment in the Private and Public sectors as Project Manager, Sales Marketing Specialist / Manager, Enterprise Resource Planning Specialist / Manager, Business Intelligence Specialist / Manager.
Assessment and Grading
Examination regulations and general rules regarding measurement and evaluation are regulated by the "Beykent University associate and undergraduate education regulations".

Special processes regarding exams, education, measurement and evaluation are determined by the "Beykent University Measurement Activities and Examination Implementation Directive".

Relative evaluation principles and procedures are defined by the "Beykent University Relative Evaluation System Application Directive".

The teaching and assessment-evaluation methods used in the courses are given in the course syllabus on the course pages.

Teaching Methods and codes used at Beykent University [1]
1:Lecture, 2:Question-Answer, 3:Discussion, 4:Drill and Practice, 5:Demonstration, 6:Demonstration, 7:Role Play, 8:Group work, 9:Simulation, 10:Brain Storming, 11: Six Hats, 12: Case Study, 13: Experiment / Laboratory / Workshop / Field Application / Internship, 14: Individual study, 15: Problem Solving, 16: Project Based Learning

Measurement Methods and codes used at Beykent University [1]
A:Exam, B:Quiz, C:Jury/Board Exam, D:homework, E:Report, F:Research Article, G:Presentation, H:Portfolio, I:Applied Skill Demonstration, J:Project Monitoring, K: Group Project Tracking, L: Thesis Tracking, M:Continue

[1] Beykent University Measurement Activities and Exam Application Directive